"The doctor of the future will no longer treat the human frame with drugs but rather will cure and prevent disease with nutrition"

Thomas Edison
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Save the date – National Migraine Conference 11th and 12th of May

The Migraine Association of Ireland is a registered charity dedicated to improving the quality of life for 12-15% of our population who suffer from migraine. I was pleased to read in the papers recently that next May is European Month of the brain so the Migraine Association of Ireland will be organising two national migraine conferences in Dublin: one for health professionals on the 11th of May and one open to the public on the 12th of May.

The Migraine Association of Ireland provide invaluable resources for migraine and headache suffers with an email section (info@migraine.ie) where you can ask a question on your migraine and a dedicated helpline where you can call and talk to an expert (Tel 1850 200 378 (ROI) or 0844 826 9323 (NI).

This website is definitely worth a look if you regularly suffer from migraines, want to keep up with latest research and get tips on managing migraine.
For more information go to http://www.migraine.ie/

Image: Irish Health.com

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